
10 Best Health Insurance With Pre-Existing Conditions In The US

Most US health insurance covers pre-existing conditions, while some don’t. Understanding how this plan works and how pre-existing conditions influence your health insurance is always good. This post will discuss the 10 Best health insurance with pre-existing conditions in the US and how to get health insurance with a pre-existing condition. Before we move on, let’s talk about pre-existing conditions.


What is a pre-existing condition?

A pre-existing condition is an ailment you previously had symptoms or medical treatment before buying health coverage. Health insurers have different meanings linked to pre-existing conditions, so it is best to speak with your insurer before buying a health insurance plan.

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Credit: Living Healthcare company Insurance scheme

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What is regarded as a pre-existing condition by insurers?

Pre-existing condition definition differs for insurers; sometimes, comparing policies is challenging. However, insurers have paid more attention to pre-existing conditions within the past five years. You can check with your health insurance provider to know what is covered.

Some of the pre-existing conditions considered by insurers include the following

  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Depression
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • HIV and AIDS
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Epilepsy
  • Kidney failure
  • Sleep apnea

Exclusions that apply to health insurance policies

Some insurers do not accept certain conditions as pre-existing conditions. Some health insurance will not cover the following;

  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Eyecare
  • Dental work
  • Mental health
  • Pregnancy

Most health insurance companies can offer an opportunity to ”bolt-on” extra benefits that cover some of the abovementioned conditions. Check with your independent health insurance specialist to provide details and advice regarding your options.

10 Best health insurance with pre-existing conditions in the US

Affordable Care Act requests that almost all health insurance policies cover pre-existing conditions following 2014; this translates to the following for most insurance plans in the US

1. Job-based insurance and pre-existing conditions

It’s worth noting that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) made some significant improvements in the employer-based plan, including not allowing waiting periods, putting a stop to the dollar limit linked to plans benefits, requiring that insurance plans cap the amount an insured could pay out of pocket for healthcare per annum. Job-based insurance, called employer-sponsored coverage, made minor changes in Obamacare’s wake. This coverage needed to pay attention to pre-existing employee conditions even before the law came to be though they could delay the coverage.

2. Marketplace and off-marketplace coverage and pre-existing conditions

The Affordable Care Act formed the Marketplace coverage, so plans purchased cover pre-existing conditions; this means that these plans cannot:

  • Reject individuals with pre-existing conditions
  • Refuse coverage for pre-existing conditions after you register in a policy
  • Raise your rates due to pre-existing condition

One exception to this rule is the grandfathered health insurance plans. These plans do not cover pre-existing conditions because they were purchased before the Affordable Care Act became law. Individuals possessing grandfathered health insurance plans can change policies if they want pre-existing condition coverage.

3. Medicare and pre-existing conditions

Medicare, also called Medicare Part A and B, covers pre-existing conditions. US citizens with specific medical issues can be eligible for Original Medicare before the age of 65, which is the age at which most people start getting benefits.

4. Medicaid and pre-existing conditions

Medicaid covers pre-existing conditions but works differently compared to Medicare. The federal government takes charge of Medicare, while states have individual scope to handle Medicaid.

Final thought

Understanding how pre-existing condition affects your health insurance application is essential. Some health policies may demand a medical examination during the application, while others may not. Before considering an application, it is best to check with your health insurance provider for the information needed.



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