
How to Move to Canada From Philippines In 2023

This Article, will Discuss about How to Move to Canada from Philippines


Did you know that more than 15% of immigrants who have made Canada their new home is Filipino? After China and India, the Philippines is now Canada’s third-largest source of international immigration. Families, workers, and students move to Canada in quest of more favorable conditions.

Excellent schools, excellent employment opportunities, and a high standard of living may all be found in Canada. It is the ideal location for Filipinos to begin a new life due to its welcoming and friendly policies.


Suppose you’re considering moving to Canada from the Philippines. In that case, you’ll need to do some study on the different ways to become settled there and decide which of Canada’s numerous visa and immigration programs is ideal for you.

move to canada from philippines

You’ll also need to start considering where you’ll live and work and how much money you’ll need to spend on your new house.

  1. Check Your Eligibility

Finding out which visa programs you qualify for should be your first step. This will rely on many variables, such as:

  • You are
  • Relationship status (and details about your spouse)
  • Career/job/profession
  • working knowledge
  • Fluency in a language (English or French)
  • Qualification level
  • You must provide some personal information to determine your eligibility. After that, you’ll be moving toward a new life.
  1. Gather Your Documentation

You must acquire all the required papers before beginning the application process to live and work in Canada. Check the following boxes:

  • Get a passport that will be valid for a time. IRCC will not accept a ticket that is about to expire.
  • Test your language skills. You can take the IELTS English or TEF French language test. Remember that depending on the program you’re looking for; your scores must meet a minimal standard.
  • Make that a Canadian regulating organization, such as a trade school or a university, checks and certifies your credentials (degrees, certifications, trades, etc.).

Also Read: http://How to migrate to Canada from Philippines

  1. Select a Visa Program

Although there are various paths that you can follow to immigrate to Canada—and you might be eligible for more than one program—we advise you to do the Express Entryway.

You can obtain Canadian Permanent Residency (PR) and live there permanently using the Express Entry System. Although you won’t immediately receive Canadian citizenship due to this, you can later seek it.

In contrast, if you apply for permanent residency in Canada, you will be granted many of the same privileges and rights as citizens, including free healthcare for you and your family and free public education for your kids.

Your Career and Job

Where you work in Canada is a crucial element. Geographically, you’ll want to be nearer to where you work to save time and money on transportation, especially if you don’t reside in one of the larger cities where you may rely on public transport.

Regarding your career, location is not the only element to consider. Additionally, keep growth in mind. You’re lucky if your position allows for career advancement inside the organization.


Whether you’re bringing your husband or partner as a dependent or moving here on their own, as well as if you have kids, you need to consider where would be best for your family to live.

For your older children, this can entail prioritizing living in a city with a college or university or in a neighborhood close to a school. Considering whether you’d prefer to raise your children in a large city or a smaller town may be a good idea, even if Canada is a very safe country.


While living in a big city gives you access to malls, shopping, arcades, movies, and more, living in a smaller, more distant town allows you the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities, soak in nature at its most pristine, and go camping, trekking, and trailing.

If you prefer living in a busy and energetic environment, Toronto may be the most fantastic city in Canada for you. You can also favor a tranquil life. Ultimately, it relies on the lifestyle you already lead, the leisure activities you enjoy, or even the lifestyle you want to.


Having a support system while acclimating to a new setting is crucial. Maybe you already have friends and family in Canada or want to connect with those who share your history, culture, and background.

Ontario and Alberta are home to the majority of Filipinos. However, Filipinos reside in each of Canada’s 13 provinces and territories. Maybe you want to live somewhere where you have a higher chance of forming a community with individuals who share your beliefs and experiences.

Finally, knowing how to enter Canada from the Philippines in 2022, you might want to start with Step 1: Verifying your eligibility. To make stages 2 through 4 as simple as possible, Canadianvisa.org provides you with a thorough evaluation and a comprehensive guide to Canada.

A Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC), a professional and authority on Canadian immigration, will be in touch with you. They will present your paperwork to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) on your behalf since they will be well aware of the papers you will require to immigrate to Canada.


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