
The 5 Most Popular Job Sectors In Germany 2022

Popular Job Sectors in Germany the “Land of Ideas” Germany has a mature economy with a solid national income, consistent growth, and strong industrial output. The leading exporter of heavy and light machinery, chemicals, and vehicles is also the fifth-largest economy in the world and the largest in the Eurozone. 


The German economy is dotted with small and medium-sized industrial facilities, even though the world is familiar with German automobiles (think BMW, Mercedes, and so forth).

Popular Job Sectors in Germany


Top German Job Sectors

Here are Germany’s top job sectors and the professionals who fit each.

Automotive and Mechanical Sector

With good reason, we think of vehicles when we think of Germany. Germany is still the world’s top exporter of autos. German engineering has a mark all it’s own regarding automobiles, distinguished by innovation and strong safety standards. There is a continuing need for technical skills in the field as one of the leading exporters of the product. 

Along with the thriving automobile industry, the nation also has many small and midsize family-run manufacturing facilities.

Due to these units’ ongoing need for new talent and Germany’s declining population, there is a constant need for specialists in the field. In actuality, Germany is a consistently brimming opportunity center for engineers, even if it does need medical specialists.

Companies typically look for engineering experts with a master’s degree in Mechanical or Automotive Engineering to fill positions in this industry. 

Though the automobile industry is in high demand, mechanical engineers are also needed. Germany, the world leader, has a billion-dollar Mechanical and Plant Engineering Sector. 

There are many job alternatives for specialist mechanical engineers, so if you are not fortunate enough to land a position in the automobile industry, you still have several options.

Industry of Electrical and Electronics

The electrical and electronics industry is the second-largest contributor to the nation’s GDP, closely trailing the mechanical sector. It’s interesting to note that this industry is still a strong exporter and exports to industrialized nations worldwide. 

The more recent trade alliances keep the industry hopeful. Also, keep in mind that this industry is still looking for research specialists worldwide. A sizable portion of the whole electrical industry comprises the flourishing Nanotechnology industry, embedded systems, and chip manufacturing.

Consequently, you have a decent chance of landing a job if you’re an electrical engineer from Germany aiming to pursue a master’s or, even better, a Ph.D.

Health Industry

Finding a career in the health industry is relatively simple, even though applying to medical programs in Germany is very difficult. 

To reach its health goals, the sector needs to hire roughly 5,000 people a year, but there is a severe shortage of medical doctors in the nation. Even if this industry contributes in a negligible way compared to others, it is by far the most lucrative in terms of high demand.

Therefore, if you’re considering studying medicine in Germany, you should imagine it would be simple to get employment once your program is over. However, all you would require is a mastery of the German language.

The sector of Building and Construction

Infrastructure is the base of any development. With over 1.9 million employees, it is understandable why the building and construction industry continues to be the largest employer in the nation. This sector supports every other sector. 

The primary construction trades employ up to 80,000 medium and small businesses, while the finishing and interior industry employs another 300,000. It should be noted that 82% of engineers work in this area.

Therefore, Germany offers many options if you want to pursue a career in civil engineering, construction management, or even research the energy efficiency of buildings and construction.

Information and communication technologies

The information technology and telecommunications sector are surprisingly less well-known. Germany still has a significant market share in technology-driven developments, even though the USA continues to lead the field, closely followed by Japan. Its industry makes up a substantial portion of the global ICT market, and the sector’s expansion is still fueled by excellent research. Additionally, German businesses submit patent applications in the industry. 

The nation’s strong emphasis on digitization also signals future growth. One must realize that while the nation is still renowned for its industrial prowess, a significant portion of its GDP comes from the service sector, of which the IT and telecommunications sector accounts for a significant portion.

So, if you want to work in IT or telecom, don’t doubt the opportunities Germany offers you.

Also Read: http://high paying jobs in germany for foreigners

In summary, MS Colleges in Germany are the top choice for students studying in Germany due to the high demand for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) professionals in the nation.


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