
How to Process Your Schengen Visa Application Online

Every applicant Process Schengen Visa Application online must complete and sign the official application form to travel to Europe. The applicant for the visa must additionally include a photo that meets the requirements for the visa photograph.


The most crucial step in the entire European visa application procedure is correctly filling out the Schengen visa application form.

The candidate must answer 37 questions on the visa application form truthfully. The answers to each of these questions are provided in the following list. Keep in mind that any inaccurate information will result in the denial of your visa.


process your schengen visa application online

Here are the process your schengen visa application online

  1. first name (Family Name)

Please only use your name as it appears on your passport; do not include your husband’s name or the words “married name”!

  1. Birth surname (Former Family Name)

If your birth name differs from the one in section 1, please write it here.

  1. Initials (s)

The initial name(s) you use should match those on your passport.

  1. The birthdate

Write your birthdate in the following format: day-month-year.

  1. Location of Birth

Write your birthplace exactly as it appears on your passport.

Country of Origin

Even though it is not mentioned on the passport, including the nation’s name.

  1. Country of Present

birth nationality, if different

Write the nationality listed on your passport and, if applicable, your nationality at birth if it differs from your current race.

  1. Gender

Select the gender-specific checkbox (Male or Female).

  1. Legal Status

Select the checkbox that represents your official marital status.

  1. Children

Write the full name, address, and country of the person in charge of raising children or serving as a legal guardian.

The eleventh National Identity Number

If appropriate, type your national identification number.

  1. Type of Travel Document

Name the category of travel document.

  1. Number of Travel Documents

Please write the number exactly as it appears on your passport or other travel documentation.

  1. Date of Issue

Put the day your passport was issued in writing (Please do not put the extension date).

  1. Date of Expiration

Write the date exactly as it appears in your passport, accounting for any extensions.

  1. Published By:

Name the organization and location where the passport was issued.

  1. The home address, email address, and phone number of the applicant

Include the mailing address and indicate if it is your own or a different person’s or business’s mailbox (in this case, write the name of the mailbox owner).

If applicable, include your landline and mobile phone numbers in your residence and the nation where you submit your visa application. Also, include your email address.

  1. Living in a different country

Indicate whether you reside in a nation other than your present nationality and if so, provide the number of your residence permit and the date of its expiration.

  1. Present Position

If you choose a different occupation than what is listed on your passport, please include a brief justification, such as “professor (former student)” or “retired (former sales manager),” for example. Write “no occupation” if you don’t have one.

  1. Employer or Institution of Higher Learning

Mention the name and contact details of the company, government agency, or educational setting where you work.

  1. The primary goal of your trip.

The box that corresponds to your trip’s goal should be checked.

  1. Member State of Destination

Write the name of the nation that will serve as your primary destination throughout most of your travel days.

  1. Initial Member State

Name the nation from which you will be entering the Schengen region.

  1. Amount of Entries Needed

Choose the number of entries you want, then check the box.

  1. Duration of Stay

Write the time that corresponds to how long you want to remain.

  1. The last three years’ worth of Schengen visas

Indicate how many visas you have had to enter the Schengen region in the last three years.

  1. fingerprints

Select the appropriate checkbox. Indicate the date if your fingerprints have already been taken for a visa application.

  1. Entry Permit for the Country of Your Final Destination, If Applicable

If your final destination is a nation not part of the Schengen zone, note your visa number and expiration dates there.

  1. Arrival Date

Indicate the day you plan to arrive in the Schengen region.

  1. Date of Departure

Date-stamp your departure from the Schengen region.

Also Read: http://Visa for Medical Reasons

31.Name of Person Inviting.

Write the name of the individual who invited you or the hotel’s contact information, giving complete specifics (telephone and fax).

  1. Name and address of the host organization or firm

Please include your contact information, the name and address of the company or group that invited you, and their phone and fax numbers.

  1. Who Pays For Travel and Living Expenses During Your Stay?

Check the relevant box (you may check several boxes).

  1. Personal Data Concerning a Family Member Who Is an EEA, Swiss, or European Union National

Write your full name, birthdate, nationality, passport number, and relationship only if you are the dependant partner, child, or other family members.

Father or mother of a person who holds citizenship in another EU member state.

  1. Relationship If you are a family member of an EEA, Swiss, or member of the European Union, please check the appropriate option.
  2. Date and Place

Even if this date differs from the day you visit the visa service, provide the location and date where you will complete the form.

  1. Significance

The applicant for the visa must fill out and sign the application, not another individual. A person with parental authority must sign the application if the visa applicant is a minor (under 18), and their relationship should be stated in parenthesis (father, mother, guardian). If the visa candidate is unable to sign, a


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